Sunday, September 4, 2011

Conversing with an Atheist

Evangelist: Hi there, did you get one of these?
Atheist: What is it?
Evangelist: A gospel tract; it's about Jesus!
Atheist: I'm an Atheist; I don't believe in God.
Evangelist. Why don't you believe in God?
Atheist: There's no proof for God.
Evangelist. Sure there is, just look around; a beautiful blue sky, green grass, the sunshine, it really is a wonderful work of God.
Atheist: Haha yeah, that's your opinion. All the evidence points to evolution. Scientists know for a fact that evolution is how things came about, and that there is no need for God.
Evangelist: First of all, not all scientists believe that. And two, it's called the "theory" of evolution because it is not provable. However, I can prove to you that God exists in about 30 seconds.
Atheist: Yeah, right. Let me see!
Evangelist: When you look at a painting, how do you know there was a painter?
Atheist: Because a painter painted the painting.
Evangelist: Very good, that's right. When you look at a building, how do you know there was a builder?
Atheist: Well...
Evangelist: The building is proof there was a builder. And in the same way, when you look at creation it's proof there was a Creator. Your conscience also proves God is real, because God has taken the time to write his law on your heart. You know it's wrong to lie, steal, and commit adultery don't you? Have you ever told a lie?
Atheist. Yes.
Evangelist: What does that make you?
Atheist: Human.
Evangelist: Nah, more specifically!  : - )
Atheist: You want me to say liar?
Evangelist: Yeah, so what do you call someone who tells a lie?
Atheist: Not a liar.
Evangelist: Come on, you'd be a liar wouldn't you?
Atheist: Yep.
Evangelist:Have you ever stolen anything? The value is irrelevant.
Atheist: No.
Evangelist: Even if it was small, something from a brother, sister, a friend . . . anything without asking that didn't belong to you?
Atheist: Yeah, just small things though.
Evangelist: The value is irrelevant. If I reached into your pocket and took 5 dollars from you and ran off, you'd be just as upset if I took 100 dollars from you. So what are you called if you steal something?
Atheist: a thief.
Evangelist: That's right. Let's go through one more commandment--the seventh commandment--you should not commit adultery. Have you comitted adultery?
Atheist: Nope. Haven't broke that one.
Evangelist: Jesus said that if you look at a woman to lust for her, you have committed adultery in your heart. Have you looked with lust?
Atheist: Who hasn't?
Evangelist: So by your own admission. you're a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart, and that's just 3 of the 10 commandments. Do you think you'd be guilty or innocent on judgment day?
Atheist: Innocent, because I don't believe in God.
Evangelist: Just because you don't believe in God, it doesn't change reality. Stand in the middle of the freeway and say you don't believe in trucks--you'll get crushed! Innocent or guilty?
Atheist: I told you, I don't believe in God so it doesn't apply to me.
Evangelist: Well, in that case, "if" what I'm telling you is true and "if" God does exist, would you be innocent or guilty?
Atheist: If it's true, then I'd be guilty.
Evangelist: Should God reward you with heaven or hell?
Atheist: I don't believe in God but if it's true then yes, I'd go to hell.
Evangelist: Does that concern you, that you'd go to hell?
Atheist: . . .If it's true it would.
Evangelist: Let me ask you a question, would you sell one of your eyes for a million dollars?
Atheist: No.
Evangelist: How about both of your eyes for $10 million dollars!
Atheist: No.
Evangelist: Why not? It's because your eyes are important to you, how much more precious is your soul that looks out the windows of your eyes?
Atheist: . . . I see what you are saying.
Evangelist: Let me make it a little clearer for you. Put yourself in a courtroom, guilty of serious crimes. Do you think that the judge can just let you off the hook?
Atheist: No.
Evangelist: How much more strict of a judgment do you think God will
impose on you for breaking his eternal law, the ten commandments. He can't let you off the hook, if he did he would be an unjust judge. When human judges let people off the hook, we call them corrupt. God reveals himself in the Bible as a righteous judge, who judges every person's thoughts, words, and deeds! There is no corruption in God, unlike us, and he will give everyone who dies in their sins exactly what they deserve. We deserve to be punished in hell for our sins. The question you should be asking is: how can a just and holy God spare you of his firey judgment?
Atheist: If I try to be a good person, won't he forgive me?
Evangelist: Let's go back to the courtroom a second. You say to the judge, but judge I'm a good person now, I broke the law and committed those crimes 6 months ago. I've gave to charity, done community service, and even helped out in nursing homes, please your honor, I won't do it again--I'm sorry,please let me go. A good judge would respond with, certainly not! You  broke the law and the fine must be paid. You should be sorry, but being sorry and trying to change your life isn't going to make up for the law you broke. The fine must be paid.

It's the same way between you and God, you have broken his law by lying, stealing, lusting, and numerous other sins. No amount of good works will ever make up for the sins you have committed. Does this make sense to you?
Atheist: Yes.
Evangelist: Back to the courtroom one more time. You are being handcuffed and led out of the courtroom, and all of a sudden the judge says hold up. You turn and face him, and he says to you, you have broken the law and have not been able to pay your $100,000 fine. As a just judge, I have upheld the law and sentenced you to prison. The judge steps down from his stand, walks over to you, takes out his checkbook and fills out a check for $100,000. He then says to you, but as your friend, I am paying your fine. Not because you deserve it, or because you did anything to earn it, but simply because I was showing you mercy. It is a gift from me to you. How would that make you feel?
Atheist: Pretty grateful.
Evangelist: You bet it would! How would you respond to the judge?
Atheist: I would thank him and not go back to that lifestyle of crime.
Evangelist: That's right. Just like the courtroom, God has judged you guilty of breaking his law and the punishment is hell. But God being merciful, sent his son Jesus to pay the fine for the law you broke. The Bible tells us that God took on human form; Jesus became a man about 2,000 years ago and he lived a perfect life, fulfilling God's law, something you and I have failed to accomplish. Because Jesus had not broke the law he could give up his life as a sacrifice for those that have broke the law--Jesus was a perfect sacrifice for sinners. This was prophesied throughout the Bible and it came to pass. As Jesus suffered on the cross he was actually absorbing the penalty of his peoples' sins in his body--The book of Isaiah puts it this way: God laid on his son the iniquities of the people and crushed him. Jesus absorbed the wrath of God: you broke the law and Jesus paid your fine. The story doesn't end here though. Three days later Jesus was resurrected from the dead proving that he does have the power to forgive and cleanse those who have rebelled against his law. To receive this mercy that God is offerring you through his son Jesus, you are commanded by God to repent (that means to turn from your sins as revealed by God's moral law) and to put your trust in Jesus as you would in a parachute! Does this make sense?
Atheist: Yeah, it makes sense.
Evangelist: When do you think you will repent and put your faith in Jesus?
Atheist: Don't know.
Evangelist: Everyday 150,000 people die and open their eyes in eternity, some open their eyes to realize the flames of hell and torment, others meet Jesus face-to-face. Don't procrastinate, your eternal destiny depends on whether you repent and trust Jesus. Hey, do you have a Bible?
Atheist: Yes, I do.
Evangelist: I want to encourage you to read it, start with the gospel of John (it's the 4th book in the new testament). Ask God to give you understanding as you read it. And don't just be a hearer of it, but obey what it says.
Atheist: Ok.
Evangelist: Hey, thanks for talking with me. If you have any questions just contact me through the website listed on the back of that gospel tract I gave you. Have a great day! :-)

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