Matthew 10:16 states “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." These words of Jesus are in the context of persecution and missions (I encourage you to read the whole chapter). Every Christian is on mission whether he or she is abroad or here at home. We are called to be intentional about our faith. Being on mission does not mean that you should quit you job and evangelize full time (Although, Jesus does call some people to this). Being on mission is the Christian life. The mission field is the world and the workplace is just one of many areas to exemplify Christ's work ethic.
As Halloween approaches we should be focused on how to relate the gospel to the situation. We need to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Halloween is a perfect time to engage people in conversation about the gospel. Skeletons, ghouls, goblins, and zombies are a good reminder of death, which comes to all people. If you see someone with halloween costumes and trinkets, this is your springboard to strike up a conversation. Remember, your aim is the gospel, not to get into a debate. You could say something like: "I couldn't help but notice that skeleton you have there and was wondering what you think about death? What do you think happens after someone dies?" Bingo, you're now into a conversation and you have a goal--to explain the truths of the gospel. Ask something like, "Would you consider yourself to be a good person?" "Do you think you've kept the 10 Commandments?" Then take them through some of God's commandments to "bring the knowledge of sin" as
Romans 3:19-20 reveals. Show them that God even sees their thought life just as Jesus told us in
Matthew 5:28 that lust is counted as adultery. Reveal to them that God must punish unforgiven sinners in hell and that place is as real as the ground their standing on. Ask them, "Do you think God should reward you with heaven or hell for the life you've lived?" If they think heaven, point out the fact that criminals must pay for their crimes and that God is the just judge of all the earth. He must punish you for breaking His laws. Then, give them the good news that Jesus died on behalf of those who will humble themselves enough to turn from their sins (repentance) and place their hope in Jesus--the one who lived a perfect life, keeping God's laws, and then dying on the cross as a substitute for sinners. Three days later Jesus rose from death. He has the power to cleanse you of a guilty conscience and your sins, and restore you to a right relationship with God.
Now's a good time to encourage them to take seriously what they heard. Admonish them to attend a church to hear the word of God preached on a regular basis. Give them a Bible if they don't own one. You can also give them a gospel tract to remind them what they just heard.
If you are too timid to speak up you can do something just as brave--walk up to someone and say, "Hello, did you get one of these?" And hand them a Halloween gospel tract this year.
Another option is to leave your light on this year and hand out great snacks (that children will remember you by) and attach a gospel tract to the treat. Doing so is a great way to send out the gospel! What other night do you have lots of people coming to your doorstep? Be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove.
If you don't already have some biblically sound gospel tracts, I have some at
You can share them with other Christians to help you pass them all out.